We help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils by:

  • Thinking and working strategically (with the long term in mind) to help to raise standards for all the children
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
  • Supporting the headteacher and staff as well as challenging their expectations – being a critical friend
  • Ensuring the accountability of the governing body to the parents and of the headteacher to the governing body

The responsibilities and powers have to be exercised in partnership with the headteacher and staff.  Governors do not intervene in the day-to-day running of the school. When there are weaknesses in the school they have a duty to take action.

We don't:

  • Deal with issues with a particular parental communication
  • Deal with issues one parent has with their child’s progress in english

We do:

  • Consider how the school could improve its overall communication with parents
  • Hold the school to account for the progress of all children in english

What Ofsted said about Castle Hill Governors:

“The governing body shares the headteacher’s drive and vision and is highly supportive of senior leaders. Governors visit regularly and have a good knowledge of the school, particularly the complexities of the school’s data, the quality of teaching and how the school compares to other schools. They use this information to challenge it in a very supportive way and contribute well to making plans for the future.”

Ofsted 2014